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Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs

Embaixada de Israel no Brasil

Agreement with Weizmann Institute

The Weizmann Institute and CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel of the Brazilian Ministry of Education - signed an agreement aimed at bilateral cooperation between Brazil and the Weizmann Institute.

The agreement will enable the preparation of notices for exchange between Brazilian research groups, both public and private institutions, and the Weizmann Institute of Israel.

The possibility of carrying out post-doctoral studies and sandwich scholarships between the partner groups is also open.

It is an important step towards bringing Weizmann and Brazil closer together, which will benefit both parties.

Check out the news on the CAPES website

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Universities and Research Centers in Israel


Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel Aviv University
University of Haifa
Bar-Ilan University
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology
Weizmann Institute of Science
Open University of Israel

Research Center