This service enables an Israeli citizen who resides in a foreign country to submit an application to renounce their citizenship.
Required Documents To Apply
Applicant's ID card or passport.
Proof of additional citizenship, or of an assurance that the applicant will receive another citizenship when they have ceased being an Israeli citizen.
Proof that the applicant resides in a foreign country.
If only one spouses is applying for renunciation and also including children who are minors in the request – the other spouse (if they are an Israeli citizen) must provide a letter giving their consent or dissent for the renunciation of their children’s citizenship.
Required Presence At The Consulate
The applicant must appear in person at the mission.
Please note
Also required:
-Proofs that the applicant has fulfilled all their duties with the Ministry of Interior, reported all changes in marital status, arranged their military status with the Israel Defense Forces, registered all the births abroad, and has no unpaid debts etc...
- If needed, updating the Populations Registry with marital status, and registering births of any children abroad. For more information, please refer to The Updating Personal Status page.
-Proofs that the applicant has fulfilled all their duties with the Ministry of Interior, reported all changes in marital status, arranged their military status with the Israel Defense Forces, registered all the births abroad, and has no unpaid debts etc...
- If needed, updating the Populations Registry with marital status, and registering births of any children abroad. For more information, please refer to The Updating Personal Status page.
Who Can Apply
How To Apply
Fill The Forms
Schedule An Appointemet
Who Can Apply
Israeli citizens residing in a foreign country.
How To Apply
The applicant for the service must appear in person at the mission.
Fill The Forms
Application for renunciation of citizenship by an Israeli citizen residing in a foreign country.
Schedule An Appointemet
To visit the mission, it is necessary to schedule an appointment in advance.
Before coming to the mission, make sure you have with you all the required documents and completed forms.
Consular Fee
Payment must be made according to the Consular fee Chart
An appointment can be set by email or by phone
-For security reasons, entry with bags will not be permitted.
Visitors are required to bring the necessary documents, ID's, telephone and wallet only.
-Payment methods available: Debit, credit card (except for American Express)
-For security reasons, entry with bags will not be permitted.
Visitors are required to bring the necessary documents, ID's, telephone and wallet only.
-Payment methods available: Debit, credit card (except for American Express)