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Deputy Consul General

Anna Shteingart | Deputy Consul General

Anna Shteingart

Anna Shteingart was born in Donestkת Ukraine. She was passionate about Israel and at 15 years old chose to make Aliya, emigrating to Israel as part of the Naale program for young Jewish students.

Following high school and military service, Shteingart enrolled in Bar-Ilan University and received her BA in non-formal education.

Her passion for educating about Judaism and Israel led her to choose a professional career in several Jewish and educational organizations, including the Jewish Agency for Israel and Masa. Within the Jewish Agency, Shteingart’s most recent position was Director of the Educational Leadership Institute, overseeing the training of emissaries working with Jewish communities in the former Soviet Union.

In 2022, Shteingart joined the Israeli Diplomatic Corps, and upon finishing the cadet course was appointed to the role of Deputy Consul General in Atlanta, which she assumed in August 2023.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Anna is a loving mother to Elia and a lecturer on Israeli history and culture.